{ "action": "GTM-GetCustomerInformation", "queryString": "", "locale": "en_RO" }

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does delivery takes?

For further details on delivery time, please see delivery.
We won’t take payment from your credit/debit card or paypal until the goods are ready to be despatched from our warehouse. Cases, payment for the items will be taken upfront, once the order has been placed. If we find that goods are not available, and we have taken payment we’ll make sure you receive a refund.
For details of how to cancel your order and return items once despatched to you, please see returns.
Items can be returned by sending the goods to the following address: Name: ZIPPY – Centro Comercial Gaiashopping
Street: Rua Particular Santo António Loja nº 232
ZIP : 4400-503 | Vila Nova de Gaia
Please consider:
  • All items must be in perfect conditions with the original labels
  • The invoice must be enclosed in the package
  • You can return any item within 14 days of receipt
  • We will collect the items from your home address. Customer Care will contact you to arrange to collect your item(s). If, for any reason, you are unable to be present at the day arranged, please contact our customer care team in due time to arrange another date. Once we receive and confirm the integrity of the items our customer care team will proceed with the refund to your original method of payment. Additionally, we will refund the shipping costs originally paid associated to your order. You will receive, in your email, the confirmation of the refund as well as the refund invoice.
    No, the delivery country must always match the country of purchase.
    Our size guides will help you choose clothes and footwear. Full size guides are provided for girl, boy, baby girl, baby boy and newborn. With advice on how to measure up correctly, you can be sure your order will be a perfect fit. Our size guides can also be viewed whilst you are browsing our online collections. Simply click on size guide listed under the size option box.